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A Study of the Customs about ''Water Lamps'' in the Period of Japanese Rule in Taiwan
'Water lamp'' is a common custom in East Asia. With the fusion of Buddhism and Han culture, it has become an important act of the '' Ullambana Festival '' (also known as '' Chungyuan Festival ''). With the rapid development of Han Chinese settlements in Taiwan, the custom of ''water lanterns'' has also flourished. Especially in the period of immigration and reclamation, it is inevitable to encounter various environmental threats and challenges, coupled with the inevitable land contention in the newly colonized area, and there are many murderous people without their own sacrifices. Therefore, through the ''water lamp'' to lead the lone soul to participate in Purdue, it has become an important activity to stabilize the living and relieve fear. Because Japan is also an area where the '' Ullambana Festival '' in East Asia is popular, and even many areas have ''lamp flow'' festivals, this custom has not decayed even during the period of Japanese rule in Taiwan, and has even pushed to a grand event never seen before. This can be proved by the reports of newspapers and magazines at that time. Even with the changes of society and culture, many different activities during this period, such as the ''Children's Water lamp Festival'', are amazing projects. Therefore, this article will explore through various newspapers, books and literature about the report or record of the ''water lamp'' custom. Expecting to understand the situation and significance of this custom in this special time and space will also serve as an important example of the discussion of the custom of the '' Ullambana Festival '' in East Asia.
起訖頁 27-53
關鍵詞 放水燈水燈節盂蘭盆節中元節臺灣日治時代Cast Water LampWater Lamp FestivalUllambana FestivalChungyuan FestivalJapanese Era of Taiwan
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 201912 (30期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 論「劉全進瓜」故事在戲曲中的演變
該期刊-下一篇 中日王昭君傳說中的民俗描寫




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