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The Analysis of Wang Longxi's ‟ Daxiang Yishu ”
Wang Ji (1498-1583) was a mountain in the philosophy of the mind eminent in the Ming dynasty and a representative of Yi study through the philosophy in the era. Longxi based his learning on the concept of conscience, to which the Six Confucian Classics were used as footnotes, and so the content of the Book of Changes in his interpretation was reduced to conscience. Yi as conscience and mind thus becomes the core of his Yi study. In his Wang Ji Ji (Collected Writing of Wang Ji), Longxi quoted mostly from the Six Confucian Classics. Throughout the book that sees a scattering of ideas in his Yi study, the article that has the most focused and complete of such a study is“Daxiang Yishu”(“On the Meaning of Yi Hexagrams”). The article explicates the meaning of each of the 64 Yi hexagrams with morsels of, partial or even complete quotations from Cheng Yi's Cheng Zhuan (Cheng Yi Commentary on the Book of Changes) and Zhu Xi's Zhouyi Benyi (Fundamentals of Zhou Yi). Such quotations show the origins of the contemporary mind philosophers' interpretations in Cheng's and Zhu's neo - Confucianism, to which they reacted. Thus, this research paper compares Longxi's perspective with Cheng's and Zhu's to demonstrate the former 's intellectual inheritance from the latter. The paper also delves into the interpretation of Yi through conscience, which characterises Yi study through the philosophy of the mind. While displaying one of the dimensions to the interpretation of Yi, such a study keeps those ideas pertinent to its own and casts aside most of the other commentaries on the Book of Changes. Even though the subjective interpretation has its own appeal, it ignores the tradition of Yi study. In view of the observation, this paper ends with brief comments on the problem with such an interpretation.
起訖頁 117-147
關鍵詞 王龍溪大象義述良知心學易程頤Wang Longxi‟ Daxiang Yishu”,Conscience,Yi study through the philosophy of the mindCheng Yi
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 201312 (18期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 萬曆癸卯年福州詩壇盛事考
該期刊-下一篇 略論蘇俄漢學家研究明代文學的成果:以小說為例




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