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Wan-Li gui-mao year Fu-Chou Poetic Society Event Investigation
萬曆卅一年癸卯(西元1603),福州地區有一連串密集的詩社活動,主事者分別為趙世顯、阮自華、曹學佺,應邀的嘉賓為屠隆,與會詩人近百人,盛況空前,為晚明福建詩壇活動中最具代表性的一年。 本文考述參與者當時的身分、年齡與人際關係,具體展現晚明福建詩壇的一個橫切面,補充屠隆入閩的活動情形,也了解當地詩人結社的特徵與文化意涵。所得結論如下: (一)詩社的成員係「以文會友,以友輔仁」,對詩詞寫作有莫大興趣,他們追隨著月令的變化,安排詩社集會。為了一逞詩才,有時候要分題限韻,來增加寫作的難度。沒有嚴苛的入社要求,組織鬆散。每次開社,有一位社員「值社」,張羅宴飲,甚至安排劇團、歌妓,以壯聲色。而由年長者或貴賓擔任詩宗。 (二)詩社的續存仍有危機。耆老凋零,主事者已是六十高齡;中年者鄉居已久,個性溫和,很難召集詩社會務;地方鄉紳的後代多數以蔭得官職,喜歡附庸風雅,未必熟悉詩道;而青壯年多是新科進士,授官在外,奔走四方。詩社的發展,自然要依賴青年學子,只可惜他們多困於場屋之業,無暇兼顧。地方官員重視與否,也是影響詩社存續的原因。 (三)閩中詩壇主導權的移動,使曹學佺與趙世顯的關係緊張。 (四)這場盛會帶動福建地區的詩人從傳承朱熹「道南理窟」的矜持,突破了限制,而走向「生活與趣味」的文藝品味。 (五)參加三場大社的人員,在口號宣傳上是及於「閩、吳、楚、越」各地,實質上福建地區文化的整合,才必須注意,連莆田、漳州的詩人也來參與。
During the first year of Wan-Li (1603), there is a series of poetic society event in Fu-Chou, lead by Chao Shi-Hsien, Juan Zi-Hwa, Tsao Hsue-Chuang. Tu-Long is invited as special guest. Close to a hundred poets joined the event, and this year is considered the most famous year of late Ming's Fu-Jien poetic community. This study investigate the participants identity, age, and personal network, and provide a solid description about late Ming's Fu-Jien poetic community. It not only supplement the event related to Tu-Long's Fu-Jien trip, as well as understand the meaning of local poet's social networking pattern. The findings are summarized as below: (1) The poetic society members are '' to find friend with essays, and use friend to achieve benevolence''. They all have a great passion for creation of poems, and set up poetic events along the calendar. There are handicap imposed at each event such as limit the rhymes and the topics, to demonstrate their talent at the event. There are also no entry barrier to the society. Every time when there is a gathering, there will be a designated officer to held the party, and arrange shows, and show girls, to make the event looks crowded, and have a elderly participants serve as poet leader. (2) The preservation of poetic society is still at risk. The elders are passing away, and many host are in their 60s. Middle age participants are settled with their local living routine and are not tough enough to manage society housekeeping duties. Local rich people's descendants usually got a official appointment due to the wealth of their parents, and like to express their fond of poems, while they aren't really proficient in it. Young members are mostly newly qualified scholars, and was appointed elsewhere. The growth of poetic society heavily relied on the young scholars, but they are mostly busy with their official administrative duties and was not able to spare time and effort. Local official's support are also an important factors in the preservation of poetic society. (3) The change in leadership of mid-Fu-Jien poetic society has put the relationship between Chao Shi-Hsien, and Tsao Hsue-Chuang under high tension. (4) The events have shift the Fu-Jien poets traditional behavior, and turning toward a more ''enjoy your life'' style. (5) The participants of the society are recruited through advertisement in Fu- Jien, Wu, Chu, Yueh region, and poets from Pu-Tien, Chang-Chou are also participating.
起訖頁 87-116
關鍵詞 晚明福州地區萬曆癸卯地域詩學區域文化Late MingFu-Chou regionWan-LiLocal PoetryLocal Culture
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 201312 (18期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 王船山《楚辭通釋.遠遊》思想探究
該期刊-下一篇 王龍溪〈大象義述〉析論




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