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The smart bird chooses a good tree as the nest ?–The study of choosing masters in ''The Romance Of Three Kingdoms'' from the aspect of ''Li'' and ''Shi''
作者 李艷梅
中國的理勢觀充滿了彈性辯證的思考智慧,王夫之以為理與勢是相依相成也是相互關連的,以理與勢的辯證思考來觀察《三國演義》的擇主邏輯是本論文的探討重點。 綜觀《三國演義》呈現的大趨勢中,約可見出有三種擇主態勢:被迫易主、靜待擇主與主動擇主。這三種態勢中,則以「主動擇主」最能顯現出人臣的主體能動性,在「非但君擇臣,臣亦擇君」的相對性中,擇主之臣採取了主動出擊的姿態,他們或者因理成勢,或者因勢成理,又或者在勢理的往復變化中,審慎評估以做出抉擇。而在擇主的原則上,擇主之人多以「期待明主」或者「功利考量」這兩大原則,做為他們的抉擇依據。秉此理而行,面對外在形勢的變動,他們的循理而為,也展現了各種不同的勢與理的變化與其中彈性因應之道。 《三國演義》中的擇主邏輯充滿了彈性與勢理的辯證,這也可見出中國文化中深具彈性的這個層面,運用此智慧,也能給予現代人面對當今複雜社會的各樣部下與長官的關係以不同的思考,以此也可見出《三國演義》對現代人的啟發性意義!
There is much dialectical thinking wisdom in Chinese ''Li'' and ''Shi''. Wang Fuzhi thought that there iwas more connection between ''Li'' and ''Shi''. With this point of ''Li'' and ''Shi'', this paper would be focused on the logic of choosing masters in ''The Romance Of Three Kingdoms''. In ''The Romance Of Three Kingdoms'', there are three ways of choosing masters: being forced to change masters、waiting for changing masters and acting choosing masters. In these ways, acting choosing masters could present more power of the main subject of the servant. Not only the master can choose the servant, but also the servent can choose the master. The servants considered to choose masters by comparing the changing of ''Li'' and ''Shi''. By this wisdom, we can understand more aspects of elastic changing in Chinese culture. It could inspire modern people different thinking ways between the relationship of the boss and the worker in their workplaces. That is also the most valuable part of this novel .
起訖頁 21-46
關鍵詞 三國演義擇主The Romance Of Three Kingdomschoosing masters''Li'' and ''Shi''
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 201312 (18期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 江戸時代《金瓶梅》傳播考略
該期刊-下一篇 王船山《楚辭通釋.遠遊》思想探究




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