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Analysis on the Themes of Fang Yue's Poems on Living a Reclusive Life in Mountain
Fang Yue was born and raised in rural area. He studied hard, and passed the imperial examination to become an official. Although he was enthusiastic about benefiting people, his was demoted and promoted four times in his career. He experienced a life of toil. However, he left immortal values in political circle and literary circle in the Southern Song Dynasty. Being honest and frank, Fang Yue tended to fight against bigwigs, leading to his setbacks in official career. His poems“Qiuya Ji”reflect refreshing atmosphere and attitude of aloofness. His articles are featured by his healthy atmosphere and righteousness, which are superior to the pastoral poetry in the end of Song Dynasty and the dynasties that followed. Due to his unsuccessful official career, he was homebound for years. Although frustrated by declining morals in the society, his intention to benefit people was never abandoned. He still expressed his passion for life. His immortal literary works“Qiuya Ji”reveal his life attitude of being positive. Because he failed in official career, he then lived a reclusive life in mountain to re-experience the real life in rural area, gradually satisfied his physical and psychological needs, got rid of superior airs of an official and developed the idea of living a carefree life. However, he always remained the idea the benefiting people in his mind. Although he spent his life as an ordinary person in his old age, his poems were superior to those of Jiang Hu Pai. Many of his works are poem on living a reclusive life in mountain. This paper attempts to investigate whether the unique themes of these poems intend to discuss the life in mountains or to imply the reflection on life, society and meaning of self-life?
起訖頁 61-81
關鍵詞 方岳山居詩群宋詩南宋Fang YuePoems on Living a Reclusive Life in MountainSong PoemSouthern Song
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 201212 (16期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 現代禪詩如何可能?——以洛夫詩作為例
該期刊-下一篇 詩歌傳承文化的書寫策略




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