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Mr. Huang Yongwu Contributions to the Compilation of Collectanea
黃永武先生的學術研究領域很廣,又能持恆不斷鑽研,致使學問的深度廣度與時俱進。黃老師五十年的學術工作,有三大貢獻:一是研究經學和小學,著有《許慎的經學》、《形聲多兼會意考》。二是研究中國古典詩學,著有《字句鍛鍊法》、《中國詩學》、《唐詩三百首鑑賞》。三是編輯《杜詩叢刊》一至四輯和《敦煌寶藏》兩套大型叢書,和重編王重民《敦煌古籍敘錄》,改名為《敦煌古籍敘錄新編》,以及主編《敦煌遺書最新目錄》。本文則集中論述《黃永武先生編纂叢書的貢獻》。1 首先指出《杜詩叢刊》的編輯是從國立中央圖書館及海內各大學圖書館挑選海內孤本,作者稿本、珍本,編成《杜詩叢刊》,全書共收有關杜甫詩詞箋注評解三十五種。黃老師又將這三十五種,加上常見杜詩著作:(1)杜工部集宋紹興尖刻本;(2)《草堂詩箋》(宋)蔡夢弼箋;(3)《杜臆》(明)王嗣爽撰;(4)《杜詩鏡詮》(清)楊倫撰;(5)《杜詩詳註》(清)仇兆鰲撰。合計四十種編成《杜甫詩集四十種索引》。哈佛燕京學社雖已編有《杜詩引得》,為何還要再編這本索引?黃老師強調哈燕社的《杜詩引得》僅能從一詞一句查閱全首,而這本索引可以從杜詩中的一詞一句,很方便查到各家的注釋箋評的所在。兩種工具書的作用並不相同,學者可以互相配合使用。其次,編輯《敦煌寶藏》,其中經名卷數細考,凸顯編輯一門專門性的叢書,不是把資料影印出來編輯成書,即可了事,編者除了具備高深的學科知識外,也需要豐富的編輯經驗才能隨時解決編輯過程中所產生的種種問題。 黃老師編輯那麼多的工具書和大型叢書,碰到的困難應該有不少,但從來沒有看見他在文章中抱怨的話,這種為學術犧牲奉獻的精神,可作為我們後學的典範。
In over fifty years of academic work, Mr. Huang Yongwu has made contributions in three major areas. The first is in the study of the Confucian classics and philology. The second is in the study of classical poetry. The third is his compilation of the Dushi congkan ( Collectanea of works on the poetry of Du Fu) and Dunhuang baozang ( Treasures of Dunhuang ) . The former consists of four volumes and a total of thirty-five commentaries on Du Fu's poetry. These together with five additional works provide the basis for the Du Fu shiji sishi zhong suoyin ( Index of Forty Works on Du Fu's Poetry) that has proven more useful than the earlier work prepared by the Harvard-Yenching Institute. As for the large quantity of manuscripts from Dunhuang, written in various scripts and now kept in Britain, France, Russia, among other locations, Mr. Huang has gathered those works written in Chinese and prepared the groundbreaking Dunhuang baozang, which consists of 800 volumes. In addition, Mr. Huang has updated Wang Zhongmin's earlier work and edited the Dunhuang guji xulu xinbian ( A newly edited catalogue to the ancient texts from Dunhuang) as well as the Dunhuang yishu zuixin mulu ( Latest Catalogue to the Lost Books from Dunhuang) . His contributions to Dunhuang studies are great, indeed.
起訖頁 43-59
關鍵詞 黃永武叢書杜詩叢刊敦煌寶藏Huang YongwuCollectaneaCollectanea of works on the poetry of Du FuTreasures of Dunhuang
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 201106 (13期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 「圖象批評」在晚明評點的運用——以孟稱舜為例
該期刊-下一篇 敦煌道教齋文的內容與意義




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