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The Spiritual Meanings of Chin-chi Wu's Classical Poetry
作者 鄭定國
吳景箕生於台灣,卒於台灣。他的文學觀融合中日古今,以一位東京大學文學系的高材生,在台灣故鄉完成三千首古典詩歌,並且有許多新文學的創作,他為日治前後時期的台灣文學標示出文化移動的現象。他不屬於政治官宦,不屬於民間素人,介乎其間,而又能成為中日文化交流的中介者,意義非凡。 本篇著重在吳景箕詩歌的心靈意象的探討;心靈如佛家空境,非空有,是有活躍的思想。藉著他所表達的意象或符號,去尋找他的詩歌之意,並探究其思想。吳景箕整體詩歌心靈是全面而整體的,既關聯語詞組成詩篇,也組合意象建構詩境,當知意生於象,而境生於意而超乎意。 吳景箕啟動言不盡意的表達手法,把詩歌表層意象提昇到心靈層面,甚至於提昇到契合藝術思想的層面,使與吳景箕生活面不期然相遇而融化一起。此時吳氏詩歌不是單純的詩歌,實際上已成為他想要創造的另一個立言的生命體。 本文僅就其古典詩歌中的五點心靈意象略作詮析,即包含有田園生活避世的意象,梅鶴仙境仙友的意象,悲歌歡哭無奈的意象,傲骨崚嶒空世的意象,人生閒情適意的意象。撰寫時已就吳景箕詩草全面做觀察,但仍有土地鄉情意象及其他細節部份未及提出,但希望借此小篇拋磚引玉,以俟來者。
Chin-chi Wu was born and died in Taiwan. His viewpoints of literature integrated the ancient and modern essences of Chinese literature with that of Japanese literature. He was an outstanding student graduated from University of Tokyo, and composed 3000 classical poetries in his hometown, Taiwan. He also created many works of new literature, and marked the cultural transformation of Taiwanese literature before and after the Japanese Occupation Period. He was neither a political official nor a common civilian. The significance of his role as an intermediate of cultural exchanges between Taiwan and Japan was extraordinary. This paper aims to investigate the spiritual meanings of Chin-chi Wu's poetry. His expression techniques in which the words were not directly used for expressing meanings enhanced the superficial meanings of poetry to a spiritual level and even to a level which corresponds to artistic thinking. His expression techniques made it possible to integrate his life aspect with his works. The poetry of Wu was not merely poetry, but actually another living organism that he created for expounding his ideas. This paper briefly interprets and analyzes the five spiritual meanings of his classical poetry, which are the meaning of sequestering himself from the world by living a pastoral life, the meaning of making friends with plum trees and cranes in a fairyland, the meaning of showing powerlessness by singing songs of lament, the meaning of abandoning the world with lofty spirit, and the meaning of peaceful and comfortable mood of life. The author has conducted a complete observation on the poetry of Chin-chi Wu before writing this thesis, and there are still some aspects such as the meaning of feelings of hometown and other details not discussed in this thesis. It is hope that this thesis can provide a foundation for future research.
起訖頁 49-74
關鍵詞 吳景箕古典詩歌心靈意象台灣詩學Chin-chi WuClassical poetryspiritual meaningsTaiwanese poetics
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 200812 (8期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 孤俠之旅與無方之遊——談舒國治的旅行散文
該期刊-下一篇 從佛洛伊德學說看張愛玲小說中的自戀




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