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From the Taiwanese find labiodental in the ancient pronunciation of the real situation
錢大昕主張輕唇音古歸重唇,向來是古音學上定論。但是用古書中的現象加以檢核,卻又不完全如此,例如:《史記.夏本記》:「帝予崩,子帝槐立。」按照司馬貞《索隱》,「帝槐」,有的版本寫成「帝芬」。《史記.樂書》:「亂世之音怨以怒,其政乖。」按照裴駰《集解》引徐廣,有的版本「乖」寫成「煩」。《史記.季布欒布列傳》:「夫婢妾賤人感慨而自殺者,非能勇也,其計畫無復之耳。」按照裴駰《集解》引徐廣,有的版本「復」寫成「冀」。《漢書.循吏傳》:「時京兆尹張敞舍鶡雀飛集丞相府,霸以為神雀,議欲以聞。」顏師古說:「此『鶡』音芬,字本作『鳻』,此通用耳。」這類的例子不在少數。 此外,例如《明史.卷三百十五.雲南土司三》,竟然有「思任發」、「思卜」的怪詞,實在是因為當時中國官吏不知土語「王」字的發音為「發」,正確的寫法應是「思任王」、「思卜王」,純屬誤記。由此可以得到唇齒音與喉音相混的另一旁證。 本篇論文一方面證明閩南語是古代中原正音,河洛雅言,同時也證明後代的唇齒音,在上古時代,實有兩個源頭,一是重唇音,另一則是喉音(含舌根音)。
Qian Daxin said labiodentals in ancient times read into bilabial sounds, this is generally recognized by academics. However, many strange phenomenon exists in the ancient books, is not fully consistent with his theory. For example: In the book, the Historical Records, records the history of the Xia Dynasty emperors matter,“帝予崩,子 帝槐立。”words in the other version of the book were written“帝予崩,子帝芬立。”. In the Historical Records, chapter in the history of recorded music, said:“亂世之音怨以 怒,其政乖”but the other version, the''乖''word written in''煩''.In the Historical Records, 季布欒布-chapter wrote: ''夫婢妾賤人感慨而自殺者,非能勇也,其計畫無復之耳。 '', another version of ''復'' word written in ''冀''.''Han Shu. Xun Li Chuan '':''時京兆尹張 敞舍鶡雀飛集丞相府,霸以為神雀,議欲以聞。”Yan Shigu, said: '' '鶡' this word, read ''fen'', the other version, the word '鳻' was written, the words here were universal. ''The number of such examples are many. In addition, such as ''History of Ming. Vol 315. Yunnan Chieftain III '', were''思任發 ''and''思卜發''like strange words, it is because the Chinese officials do not know native language'' 王 ''and the word'' 發 ''to pronounce the same word, the correct wording should be''思任王'' , ''思卜王'', is simply wrong to write. From labiodentals and guttural sounds mixed phenomenon, we will be able to get this paper on the circumstantial evidence. This paper on the one hand that the Taiwanese dialect is the ancient ''Zhongyuan Zheng Yin'', ''Heluo Yayan'', but also that the subsequent labiodentals, in ancient times, they had two sources, first bilabial sounds, another Is guttural sounds (including a dorsal sound).
起訖頁 37-86
關鍵詞 唇齒音輕唇音古聲紐古聲母labiodental 唇齒音labiodental 輕唇音
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 200806 (7期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 俗世願望的鏡影:神仙及其文學書寫之人文意涵研究
該期刊-下一篇 清代詩壇的折中思維與其創意論述




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