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A literature interpretation of ''A General Statement of 'the Book of Song' '' by Chih- Heng YAO in Ching Dynasty–feelings theory and effect theory
清代《詩經》學中,多以考證論《詩》,姚際恆則獨樹一格,其《詩經通論》乃大量地以文學角度來論《詩》,具有相當的價值,筆者欲做有系統的研究,本文則就其中「情意論」與「影響論」兩大要點爲硏究對象。 「情意論」中,可見姚氏論《詩》重情感與意境兩大文學要素,能直探詩人的深情,剖析其中情景交融及摹擬想像的意境表現法,基於此,認爲《詩》多具有言外之意,因此賞《詩》、釋《詩》時,不可泥於字句間,應以「意會」、「神會」的方式於句外求之,領會微旨。 「影響論」中一方面論《詩》的寫作手法及題材等方面在詩學上的創始地位;一方面亦點出了《詩》中有不少獨到處是爲後世所不能及的。以上探討姚氏從「情意」與「影響」兩方面對《詩》所做的文學闡釋,既呈現《詩》的文學特質,亦能點出其所發揮的藝術效用,有助於對詩意、詩旨等的理解與鑑賞,由此可見姚氏以文學論《詩》在《詩經》學史上的地位與價值。
There are many texture comments of the School of ''The Book of Song'' in Ching Dynasy, though Chih- Heng YAO' s texture research of ''The Book of Song'' is unique. His ''A General Statement of 'the Book of Song' '' applied for a pointview of literaure to criticize ''the Book of Song'' . They have remarkable value, I would like to arrang them methodically. On contains presentation demonstrated two conditions: ''Feelings Theory'' and ''Effect Theory'' . ''Feelings Theory'' means emotion expression and artistic conception to enter into the depth of poet. My view on the analyze of emotion and scene blended together, when people basically enjoyed and explained a poem cannot be limited by words, text understanding and comprehending is the best. ''Effect Theory'' wrote and chose diverse stuffs and themes firstly on one side, on the other side got a unique and first place in literature could not be reached by people latterly. From these two methods, I interpret ''the Book of Song'' entirely. Both a literature character and an artistic effect had been developed completely by ''The Book of Song'' helped and supported to understand its meaning, a vision of poet, further, this literaute interpretation of ''the Book of Song'' by Chih- Heng YAO achieved the value and place of the School of ''The Book of Song'' in world.
起訖頁 97-117
關鍵詞 清代姚際恆詩經文學情意影響詩經通論Ching DynastyChih- Heng YAOThe Book of SongLiteratureFeelings ExpressionEffect A General Statement of 'the Book of Song'
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 200607 (4期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 《西廂記》「三復情節」釋例
該期刊-下一篇 從現象學觀點看司空圖《二十四詩品》——以羅曼‧英加登理論為主之探究




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