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A Study on creatures allegoric in The sutra of 《Chu-Yao》
動物譬喻是以擬人化的動物爲主角來鋪陳故事,利用動物們的行爲、性格和特徵,象徵性地反映人類的思想、情感與生活面貌,並從中巧妙地寄託人生哲理,讓讀者獲得一些經驗教訓或啓示。在佛經結集的過程中,爲了讓大眾理解教義,常借用這些妙趣橫生、性格鮮明的動物故事來取譬寄喻,達到訓誡教化的效果。 由法救菩薩造.姚秦竺佛念譯的《出曜經》,全經共三十卷,三十三品,是一部集錄佛陀隨機說法的偈頌,並針對偈語進行義理解說,或舉故事來譬喻佛理的經典。其中蘊含了不少動物譬喻,如〈大海三魚〉、〈牧牛〉、〈籠鳥減食〉、〈罵牛〉、〈不知死活〉、〈駒慕豬食〉等,至於《出曜經》如何借用這些動物故事來解說佛理,讓愚闇眾生能因譬入理,進而體悟佛道,是一個值得深入探討的論題。 本文將以《出曜經》中與動物有關的譬喻為對象,進行全面耙梳與整理,首先從翻譯過程、經名及內容探討本經的特色與性質,其次依形式將《出曜經)的動物譬喻分爲偈頌譬喻及故事譬喻兩類進行內容的分析與闡釋,接著探索這些動物譬喻的可能來源以及在中國文學的呈現,期能彰顯《出曜經》動物譬喻的特色和價值。
Creatures allegoric is expressing exemplum on personification of brutes, as protagonist, utilizing comportment, characters, and characteristic of creatures, symbolically reflecting conceptions, sensations, and living mode of mortal, and aptly resting on metaphysics of life to bibliolaters for some apologues and edifications. On the furtherance of Buddhist Scripture concentrated, for the sake of public comprehending religious doctrines, usually track down the brute exemplum full of wit and facetiousness for edifying. The sutra of 《Chu-Yao》,rephrased by Bodhisattva and reworded by Zhu-Fo-Nian, is gatha with thirty volumes ,thirty-three articles, compiling preach of Buddha, and making interpretation of gatha or taking tales to allegorize logic of Buddha .It accommodates some Creatures allegoric as ( Da-Hai-San-Yu ) , ( Mu-Niu ) , ( Long-Niao-Jian-Shi ) , ( Ma-Niu ) , ( Bu-Zhi-Si-Huo ) , ( Ju-Mu-Zhu-Shi ) etc. Furthermore, the meritorious and debatable disputation in The sutra of 《Chu-Yao》 is how to scrounge brute narrations for penetrating Buddha dharma to benighted people. This paper is taking on Creatures allegoric, collating in depth, and having three steps : First, intentness on the guidelines of transliteration, appellation of sutra and configurations of The sutra of 《Chu-Yao》.Second, the formations of The sutra of 《Chu-Yao》 could divide into two parts of Creatures allegoric as allegoric scudding and allegoric exemplum for anatomizing and expounding. Third, to traverse the possible inceptions of Creatures allegoric and presentations in the Chinese literature, manifesting countenances and institutions of Creatures allegoric in The sutra of 《Chu-Yao》.
起訖頁 59-84
關鍵詞 《出曜經》偈頌譬喻寓言動物故事佛經故事The sutra of 《Chu-Yao》gathaallegoricapologueanimal exemplumsutra exemplum
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 200607 (4期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 法門寺出土唐代〈衣物帳〉的集體量詞
該期刊-下一篇 《西廂記》「三復情節」釋例




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