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Discussion on ''Two Shots'' Materials and Narrative Techniques
作者 陳采絜
Most of the ''Three Characters'' were originally scripts from Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties. Feng Menglong only selected, processed and adapted them. ''Three Characters'' can only be regarded as a compilation of old scripts. The situation of ''Two Beats'' is just the opposite. Although the number is less than two-thirds of ''Three Words'', most of them are Ling Shuchu's independent creations. Although the sources of most of the materials can be found (at least sixty-two articles), these materials have all been restructured and come out of their own accord in Ling Shuchu's hands.
Under the leadership of Ling Shuchu, literati wrote a large number of vernacular short story collections, which became a trend. There are many chapters reflecting the social life after Jiajing. Through Ling Shuchu's original creation, not only the themes appear new things that have never been expressed in previous vernacular short stories, but also old stories are written, often injecting new ideas and new spirits of the times. New wines are bottled. The narrative technique is different from the structure of previous story-telling novels. How does Ling Shuchu create unique artistic features that are different from Feng Menglong's story-telling novels?
起訖頁 33-75
關鍵詞 獨立創作重新結構話本小說的體制擬話本素材來源independent creationrestructuresystem of story-telling novelsimitating story-tellingsource of materials
刊名 東海大學圖書館館刊  
期數 202406 (71期)
出版單位 東海大學圖書館
該期刊-上一篇 昔時首都市民的街談巷說:臺北市特色諺語考察
該期刊-下一篇 行孝以證大道,成道以行大孝──以《玄天上帝說報父母恩重經》為例




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