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武大国际法评论 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Self-determined Construction of China’s Philosophy of International Law and Its Approach to Normalization
作者 江河
Faced with the profound changes unseen in a century, the construction of international law in the light of philosophy of law constitutes the prerequisite of the development of the systems of the discipline, scholarship and discourse for international law. Since modern times, the western states formulate the unjust system of rules of international law in a setting of colonial system and one-dimensional globalization, which cause the dilemma of global governance and in turn call for the reconstruction of theory and norm under the initiative of responsible great powers. To this end, horizontal system of categories and their correlation can contribute to the self-determined construction of China’s philosophy of international law in the methodology of social sciences of law. As a result of the fragmentation and openness of modern international law, the theories of subject and value become the leading categories for the shaping and construction of the basic theories of international law. Humanity as subject for a community of shared future for mankind and harmony as value for China’s outstanding traditional culture can benefit the mutual interaction between the categories of subjects and values of international law, and they together shape the macro-systematicity of international law in the logic of a just order and broad concept of legal system and also microscopically contribute to the legal formulation of various levels of legal principles and specific rules of international law.
起訖頁 75-95
關鍵詞 基本範疇單向度全球化國際法哲學人類命運共同體儒家和諧觀basic categoriesone-dimensional globalizationphilosophy of international lawa community of shared future for mankindConfucian conception of harmony
刊名 武大国际法评论  
期數 202402 (27:1期)
出版單位 武漢大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 我國國際民商事司法公信力:互動困局及突破路徑
該期刊-下一篇 從自由主義國際法到威權主義國際法——美國意識形態國際法學說之批判




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