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Publicizing Administrative Penalty Decisions in China: Nature, Logic and Approach
作者 彭錞
The accurate categorization of the disclosure of administrative punishment decisions is neither an administrative punishment as a legal act, an administrative compulsory enforcement or a public warning as a factual act, nor is it a mixture of multiple acts or several acts, but an act of disclosure of government information as a real act. Disclosure of punishment decisions does not infringe upon the privacy or reputational rights and interests of the punished person, and should not be based on the principle of non -disclosure or be dependent on social impact to determine whether or not to make it public. Rather, it should be publicized in principle, according to the Open Government Information Regulations. Even if a penalty decision can be made public, because it involves non - private and non - sensitive personal information, and the act of disclosure also constitutes an act of personal information processing, it should be limited to what is necessary to perform the statutory duties of information disclosure. This means that real-name disclosure is not a proportionate means to perform the duties of information disclosure. A more proper way is de-idenfied disclosure by eliminating the direct identifier of the subject punished.
起訖頁 48-63
關鍵詞 政府信息公開隱私與聲譽社會影響個人信息隱名公開Open Government InformationPrivacy and ReputationSocial InfluencePersonal Information
刊名 现代法学  
期數 202401 (2024:1期)
出版單位 西南政法大學
該期刊-上一篇 法律行為規範對身份行為的有限適用
該期刊-下一篇 風險社會條件下行政追償模式的解析與完善




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