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The Alteration Decision and Its Improvement in the New Administrative Reconsideration Law
作者 黃學賢
The alteration decision is the most important form of substantive resolution of administrative disputes through administrative reconsideration. The new Administrative Reconsideration Law stipulates three types of alteration decisions: ''inappropriate correction of content'', ''correction based on incorrect application'', and ''correction based on unclear facts and insufficient evidence'', and improves the prohibition of adverse alterations. The new law strengthens the system of administrative reconsideration alteration decisions, refines the situation of administrative reconsideration alteration decisions, and places alteration decisions in the first type of reconsideration decisions, in order to better achieve the main channel function of substantive resolution of administrative disputes through administrative reconsideration. However, there are still many problems in the provisions of the new law on administrative reconsideration alteration decisions, which need to be further improved. At the same time, the effective implementation of administrative reconsideration alteration decisions still requires the establishment and improvement of relevant supporting systems.
起訖頁 143-149
關鍵詞 新《行政覆議法》變更決定化解行政爭議主渠道The New Administrative Reconsideration LawThe Alteration Decision Resolution of Administrative DisputesMain Channel Improvement
刊名 法学评论  
期數 202401 (42:1期)
出版單位 武漢大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 行政覆議與訴訟中的規章:定位區分、立法邏輯與適用展開
該期刊-下一篇 司法專門化視域下涉碳案件集中管轄研究




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