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作者 單鴻昇
Personal Data Protection Act of PRC was passed on 20.Aug. 2021. As the fundamental legal framework of personal data protection, it demonstrates great ambition at regulating all kinds of behavior forms of state agencies by dealing with the personal data compared to civil code. While there is already lots of discussions concerning the foundation of data protection in the field of civil law, less attention is attributed to its constitutional foundation. This article asserts the positive meaning of widely accepted concept of“informative right of self-determination”under German and Chinese Taiwan's jurisdiction. Only with the constitutional foundation the[~199] conflicting interests between state agencies and citizens could appropriately be balanced in statute. Under these circumstances the legal requirements related to allocation and transmission of personal data will be thoroughly investigated.
起訖頁 1-17
關鍵詞 個人信息保護信息自決權目的外利用Personal Data ProtectionInformative Right of Self-DeterminationOut-of-Purpose Use
刊名 作者授權  
期數 202404 (2024:4期)
該期刊-上一篇 初探健保醫療費用審查事件中之行政判斷餘地——從最高行政法院100年判字第1265號判決談起
該期刊-下一篇 “视频搬运”现象的著作权法应对




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