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A Discourse Deliberating the Entanglement between ISM and HOFs
作者 巴方吉祥陳世宗
To avoid the occurrence of maritime casualties, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) had exhausted all the efforts, including upgrading the ship’s hardware and equipment to strengthening the training intensity of seafarers on duty, to improve maritime safety. However, the IMO eventually found that Human and Organizational Factors (HOFs) are the key factors involved in accident(s). Therefore, tough measures such as the mandatory International Safety Management (ISM) mechanism and Port State Control (PSC) inspections are introduced to effectively reduce the occurrence of accidents. Thus, this article intends to elaborate the origin, evolution and development of PSC and ISM in a systematic manner, which includes the development of these two relevant regulated measures, and the role the human factors contributed in an accident, and why the IMO has perceived HOFs as an important issue in regard to maritime safety. In addition, according to authors' understanding and industrial experience, practical suggestions to implement ISM and comply with PSC regulations are proposed. From the perspective of the competent authorities enforcing domestic regulations, and the shipping company’s fleet management viewpoints, constructive advices are proposed. It is hoping that the impacts of human factors contribute to the maritime casualty can be effectively reduce through the synergy of deploying ISM, PSC, and STCW regulations. Hence, the goals, including preventing marine casualties, ensuring the safety of human life, and environmental protection set by the IMO can be ultimately achieved.
起訖頁 53-94
關鍵詞 船舶安全管理港口國管制人為因素海難事故International Safety Management (ISM)Port State Control (PSC)Human and Organizational Factors (HOFs)Marine casualties
刊名 航運季刊  
期數 202203 (31:1期)
出版單位 中華民國航運學會
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣主要定期航運公司財務狀況分析與破產指標之研究




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