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On Qing Dynasty's Poetry in Kojo Teikichi's ''History of Chinese Literature''
作者 施柔妤
Since the end of the nineteenth century, literary history works with Chinese classical literature as the discussion category have come out one after another. At that time, “ History Of Chinese Literature” by Japanese scholars tried to study Chinese classical literature diachronically with the concept of western literary history. The publication of such works has even influenced the writing of Chinese Scholars in the History of Chinese Literature in the early 20th century.
This article takes the Japanese Kojo Teikichi (1866-1949), the History of Chinna Literature, which was formed in 1897 as the axis, and discusses his choice of poets in the Qing Dynasty. Different from the ''History of Chinese Literature'' written by Chinese scholars in the later generations, divided by poetics such as spiritual Resonance, gediao (character and style)and texture theory, this ''Chinese Literature History'' pays more attention to poets than poets. It also shows a different aesthetic from the Chinese mainland.
This article looksat the background of the history of the author of the history of literature Kojo Teikichi and the acceptance of Qing poetry by Meiji Japan (1868-1912), and explores the causes of this phenomenon, and considers the contemporaries of Sasakawa rinpu (1870-1949)and Nakane Kiyoshi (1839-1913), Kojima Kenkichiro (1866-1931)and other literary history works, exploring the specialities and commonalities of the Kojo Teikichi and his contemporaries, and explaining why the literary historians of the Meiji period were different from the Chinese poetry in Qing Dynasty The appearance of the native Qing poetry.
起訖頁 31-59
關鍵詞 文學史支那文學史古城貞吉清詩森春濤The History Of Chinese LiteratureHistory Of LiteratureKojyou TeikichiQing Dynasty PoetryMori Syuntou
刊名 子衿論衡  
期數 201912 (4期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 《駢字類編》引用《爾雅》探析
該期刊-下一篇 論知青詩人多多詩中「我」之視角研究




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