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Investigation on the Citations from Erya in Pianzi leibian
作者 楊婕妤
Erya is the first annotation book in China and the first Chinese dictionary. It collects more than 4,000 characters, words, dialects, and proper nouns and is thus a major source referenced in Pianzi leibian, which contains more than 1,000 pieces of information from Erya. Quoting Erya provides clear information of word origins and offers direct meanings. The contents cited in Pianzi leibian are not identical to those in the existing Erya, and some has even been lost. Pianzi leibian has retained a considerable amount of text of Erya and thus is of high research value. However, Pianzi leibian did not do a comprehensive job in citing Erya, and the gaps must be noted when using Pianzi leibian as a reference book. This study aimed to enhance the reader’ understanding of Pianzi leibian.
起訖頁 1-30
關鍵詞 駢字類編爾雅引書證Pianz i leibianEryabook quotation
刊名 子衿論衡  
期數 201912 (4期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-下一篇 論古城貞吉《支那文學史》中的清代詩壇




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