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Two Examples of Legal Coopetition Between The Cultural Heritage Preservation Act and The Protection Act for the Traditional Intellectual Creations of Indigenous Peoples
作者 陳叔倬 (Shu-Juo Chen)
This study discussed two examples of legal coopetition between The Cultural Heritage Preservation Act (hereinafter“The Preservation Act”) and The Protection Act for the Traditional Intellectual Creations of Indigenous Peoples (hereinafter“The Protection Act”). Objects that are designated as antiquities in accordance with The Preservation Act are classified as tangible cultural heritage and held for safekeeping by their custodians. Similar to how the reproduction of intellectual properties is regulated under the Copyright Act, the reproduction of national treasures and significant antiquities is governed by the Regulations Governing the Reproduction and Supervised Reproduction of Public Antiquities, which allow custodians to oversee the reproduction of their public antiquities. The Protection Act protects indigenous people’s exclusive rights to use designated traditional intellectual creations and ensures that such creations will not be used by anyone else unless consented by the exclusive rights owner. If an indigenous national treasure has been designated as a traditional intellectual creation, both its custodian and the owner of exclusive rights to use it have the right to consent to the reproduction of the national treasure and to veto reproduction consented by the other. Accordingly, the first example of legal coopetition discussed in this study was between the custodians and the owners of exclusive rights to use indigenous national treasures or significant antiquities in relation to their reproduction. For intangible cultural heritage, The Preservation Act prescribes the appointment of a heritage preserver without specifying any eligibility criterion on their ethnicity, resulting in some preservers of intangible indigenous cultural heritage being nonindigenous. However, given The Protection Act’s focus on indigenous peoples and communities, an owner of exclusive rights to use indigenous intellectual creations must be an indigenous person. This conflict leads to the second example discussed in this study, namely the legal coopetition between the preservers and the owners of exclusive rights to use intangible indigenous cultural heritage. Both legal coopetition challenges require discussions between the Ministry of Culture and the Council of Indigenous Peoples to reach a mutual solution.
起訖頁 31-41
關鍵詞 文化資產保存法原住民族傳統智慧創作保護條例排灣族祖靈柱The Cultural Heritage ActThe Protection Act for the Traditional Intellectual Creations of Indigenous PeoplesPaiwan ancestral pillar
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 202309 (65期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣日治時期建築「孔雀壁」的材料分析與修護建議
該期刊-下一篇 澎湖上元節乞龜節俗及米龜堆疊技藝之探討




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