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文化資產保存學刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Material Analysis and Conservation Recommendations of“Kujyaku-Kabe”of Architecture Heritage in Taiwan During Japanese Colonial Period
作者 林秋婷謝以士林光浩
Sunakabe (literally“sand wall”in Japanese) made from black sand was commonly discovered in architecture heritage of Taiwan in the Japanese colonial period, as evidenced by recent efforts to repair these buildings. Sunakabe is made using Japanese plasterwork techniques, with natural color sand, gravels, or mineral fragments serving as the base materials and a paste made by boiling seaweed or animal glue serving as the adhesive. The name of sunakabe changes depending on the base material that is used, and it is commonly found in the major spaces of a building, such as the tokonoma. However, the limited durability of sunakabe poses challenges when attempting to preserve and repair it. Specification documents from the Government-General of Taiwan archive include specifications and construction drawings for sunakabe; however, the documentation on its construction techniques or materials is limited. A chemical analysis revealed that the black sand used in sunakabe is copper slag, which is referred to as kujaku (literally“peacock”in Japanese) sand by Japanese plasterers. A wall made from the material is known as a kujakukabe (literally“peacock wall”in Japanese).
Kujaku sand and commercially available copper slag primarily differ in terms of their color and appearance. Kujaku has a colorful and metallic luster, whereas commercially available copper is dark and lacks luster. Tempering is a heat treatment technique used to make iron alloys, and the color of the final product in tempering changes with the temperature and oxidation levels employed during treatment. In general, copper smelting for copper slag production does not involve tempering. However, the production of kujaku sand could involve tempering because kujaku sand would otherwise have a color similar to that of commercially available copper slag. In this study, commercially available copper slag was heated by stirring it in an iron pot, and this process demonstrated that a change of color occurs following tempering treatment. Given that kujaku sand is no longer available on the market, old kujaku sand detached from kujaku-kabe should be collected and reused in repair works. In the event of a material shortage, commercially available copper slag may be used to produce kujaku sand through tempering.
起訖頁 7-29
關鍵詞 砂壁孔雀壁煉銅爐渣床之間回火SunakabeKujaku-kabeCopper slagTokonomaTempering
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 202309 (65期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-下一篇 《文化資產保存法》與《原住民族傳統智慧創作保護條例》的法律競合二例探討




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