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從法律程序論(legal processprocess)探究國際環境規範之實效問題:以「聯合國氣候變化綱要公約」為例
Revisiting the Efficacy of the UNFCCC: A Viewpoint of Legal Process Theory
作者 劉祥裕
在國際環境規範之中,由於環境變遷所涉議題相當複雜,因而於規範的形成過程,多半缺乏課予違反義務者的懲罰規定。基於此,傳統利益本位的觀點認為,國際環境規範非具有拘束力,同時質疑該規範的實效性。然而,法律程序論(legal process)的觀點,卻對於國際環境規範是否真因為欠缺懲罰規定而無效,有不同於傳統之見解。本文對傳統觀點持保留立場,從而本文將試圖就國際環境規範中的《聯合國氣候變化綱要公約》(United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC)為例,以法律程序論為研究方法,論證此國際環境規範不僅對締約國有拘束力,同時法規範也具有實效性。
The efficacy of international law has been a contentious topic, with realists scholars traditionally arguing that international norms lack legal binding with no sanctions. These scholars often view international law as futile and express skepticism about its relevance. This debate is particularly relevant in the context of international environmental law, where issues often involve transboundary impacts and have intergenerational implications. Soft law instruments, such as principles, resolutions, recommendations, and guidelines, are commonly adopted to address these complex environmental problems, with international cooperation playing a pivotal role.
Against this backdrop, this article seeks to examine whether international environmental law can be effective in the absence of sanctions. This article is structured into three parts. The first part provides a concise overview of the controversy surrounding the efficacy of international law and introduces the legal process theory as an analytical framework to address the multifaceted legal concerns regarding efficacy. In this section, the features of international environmental problems are identified and the role of soft law in shaping the legal regime for such problems is analyzed.
The subsequent part of this article takes the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) as a case study to explore the issue from two contrasting lenses: traditional realism and legal process theory. The UNFCCC is a seminal international treaty that addresses the global challenges of climate change. This article critically assesses the efficacy of the UNFCCC in light of these opposing perspectives and how it has influenced subsequent developments in the field of climate change.
Drawing on the legal process theory, the article argues that the UNFCCC substantially binds its contracting parties beyond any doubt. The invocation of similar rules or principles at the national level, the repetition of states' compliance in practice, and the active involvement of diverse actors all serve to demonstrate the efficacy of this international environmental norm.
起訖頁 163-194
關鍵詞 聯合國氣候變化綱要公約法律程序論環境法國際法效力行動者UNFCCCnon state and subnational actorslegal process theoryefficacy of international law
刊名 台灣國際法學刊  
期數 202310 (20:1期)
出版單位 臺灣國際法學會
該期刊-上一篇 美國簽署自由貿易協定的勞工條款制度分析




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