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Where is She Going? Urban-Rural Movement and Women’s Destiny in Chinese Post-70s Novels
作者 石曉楓
At present, the process of urbanization in China is ongoing, and it is unpredictable, the cultural lag that generated during the process has long been observed by the commentators, and the generation that grew up in this transitional period of structural change is precisely the so-called post-70s Chinese. Among them, Sheng Keyi (1973-) who received early attention, has a number of long and short stories portraying urban marginal women of different professions. Other writers born in the 1970s, such as Wei Wei (1970-), Fu Xiu Ying (1976-), Shi Yi Feng (1979-), also have works about women from the country to the city. With the rise of the market economy and the hollowing of country in China, millions of migrant workers appeared on the city’s streets. How do the writers of the generation display the contemporary version of“Uptown”? This article attempts to explore the differences between the description of urban and rural mobility in the post-70s generation and the previous generation in relation to women who have come to cities in modern novels since the May Fourth Movement, in order to show its inheritance, development and differences.
起訖頁 161-199
關鍵詞 70後由鄉入城戶口邊緣女性Post-70sRural to urbanhousehold RegistrationMarginalFemale
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 202309 (82期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 一個人的革命劇場──王嘯平早期劇著劇論初探




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