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The Spatial Form and the Lyrical Novel: Hsia Tsian, Yip Wailim, Li Yu and Taiwan Modernist’s Quests for“Literature”
作者 鍾秩維
World literature has again become a prominent issue. This paper sets out to engage the discussion by offering an intriguing example, through which one can observe how Taiwanese Modernists form the very concept of literature with their discourses on the spatial form and the lyrical novel: the former is coined by Joseph Frank and the latter by Ralph Freedman. The spatial form helps Frank conceptualize the modernist aesthetics as well as articulate the symptoms it unveils. Freedman’s concept of lyrical novel, on the other hand, investigates modernism by highlighting the introspective expression. Frank and Freedman’s scholarships exert a definitive influence on how Taiwan Modernists define what literature can be and should be. Tsi-an Hsia, Wai-lim Yip, and Yu Li will be taken as examples, as the three of them cover a wide spectrum of generation differences, gender orientations, and political ideologies in the Modernist campaign. The historical excavation of the idea of literature in Taiwanese modernism will bring forward a new interpretation of what it means to be“(a)political”in the movement.
起訖頁 205-250
關鍵詞 空間形式抒情小說臺灣現代派夏濟安葉維廉李渝spatial formlyrical novelTaiwan ModernistTsi-an HsiaWai-lim YipYu Li
刊名 中外文學  
期數 202403 (53:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 華語語系的「地方」論述與反思:以雙雪濤《天吾手記》、楊君寧《奧森巴赫之眼》的臺北文學獎參與為例
該期刊-下一篇 以「本土」超越「本土」:論潘惠森「昆蟲系列」和「珠三角系列」的「後九七」敘事




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