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The Discourse and Reflection of a Sinophone“Place”: A Case Study of Shuang Xuetao’s Tian Wu Note and Yang Junning’s Eye of Orsenbach as Participants in the Taipei Literature Award
作者 鄧斐然
This article discusses Shuang Xuetao and Yang Junning’s participation in Taipei Literature Award in the context of a Sinophone“place,”to examine and challenge the possibilities and limitations of“place”within Sinophone studies. Sinophone studies values place and locality and has the energy to bring them to the world by simultaneously critiquing Chineseness. This approach excludes mainstream Chinese literature and therefore limits the diverse meanings“Sinophone places”can draw from contemporary China. Taipei Literature Award, representing Sinophone Taiwan’s local situation, encompasses multiple origins of meanings of place which stem against diaspora as well as from Chinese-language literary“communities”including mainland China. Shuang and Yang’s participation in the Taipei Literature Award confirms the“placesbased production”of literature in Taiwan and Taipei also includes China as a locale. Discussing the works of Shuang and Yang in this context can extend the Sinophone sphere to mainland China, and can be a supplement for the current research’s neglect of Chinese participation in Taiwanese literary awards. Through Taipei’s place writing, the interplay of multiple places in constructing Taipei’s identity exemplifies Sinophone studies’s multidimensional critical and dialogic potential.
起訖頁 167-204
關鍵詞 華語語系地方臺北文學獎雙雪濤楊君寧SinophoneplaceTaipei Literature AwardShuang XuetaoYang Junning
刊名 中外文學  
期數 202403 (53:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 跨太平洋報導文學:《工廠女孩》的文化越界與亞美記者的「返鄉」書寫
該期刊-下一篇 空間形式與抒情小說:夏濟安、葉維廉、李渝與臺灣現代派文論的展開




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