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Strategies for Improving Delirium Assessment by Intensive Care Unit Nurses
作者 侯怡吟吳貞蓉郭嘉竹馬媛婷沈美慧
Delirium in patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) is a reversible acute brain dysfunction that can be fatal if not promptly treated. However, only 63.60% of nurses at the study hospital were aware of delirium and how to assess patients for its symptoms. Consequently, delirium prevention measures were administered in only 48.89% of delirium cases in the unit. The present study conducted an analysis to identify the reasons for these deficiencies and identified several areas for improvement, specifically, the lack of knowledge about delirium, the lack of ability to assess the symptoms of delirium, and the lack of standard procedures to treat patients with delirium. This study employed several measures to improve ICU nurses’knowledge of delirium and increase the implementation of delirium assessment, comprising developing a management protocol for delirium in the ICU, establishing a standard evaluation routine, conducting bed-side teaching, and utilizing an informational delirium assessment scale. Following the implementation of these measures, the nurses’knowledge of delirium increased from 63.8% to 96.30%, and the implementation rate of delirium assessment increased from 48.89% to 90.54%. This study provides a model for training nurses to assess and treat delirium that enhances the quality of care patients receive.
起訖頁 32-41
關鍵詞 譫妄加護病房多元教學deliriumintensive care unit (ICU)teaching
刊名 醫院  
期數 202403 (57:1期)
出版單位 台灣醫院協會
該期刊-上一篇 新冠肺炎流行期間影響醫院照顧服務員工作意願之因素探討
該期刊-下一篇 影響醫院醫療人員持續使用化學治療資訊系統之意圖




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