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Why is Neutrality no longer an Option? An Analysis of the Adjustments of the Neutral Policies in Sweden and Finland from Critical Moments, Geopolitics and Decision-making Patterns
作者 楊三億
Sweden and Finland are countries with a long history of neutral policies, and they have traditionally chosen neutrality as their main direction for foreign policy. However, after the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian War in February 2022, both countries have decided to abandon neutrality and adopt joining NATO as their new security strategy. This disruptive evolution of diplomatic strategy has had a significant impact on the security of both countries and Europe as a whole. As of the writing of this article, Finland has already joined NATO on 4th April, 2023, while the process of Sweden's accession to the alliance is not yet complete. Most views in the past believed that Sweden and Finland abandoned their neutrality due to the Russo-Ukrainian War. However, this article argues that the war was only the final stage of a turning point. The adjustment of the neutral policies of Sweden and Finland has fundamental factors.
This article argues that, firstly, the Russo-Ukrainian War in February 2022 was only the final stage of the foreign policy transformation of Sweden and Finland. The events of the two countries' accession to the European Union, the Crimea crisis in 2014, and the Russo-Ukrainian War in 2022 are a series of closely related and chronologically linked major events. These three critical moments have influenced the neutral policy shifts. Secondly, the aforementioned moments not only serve as consecutive turning points for the neutral strategies of both countries, but geopolitical factors also amplify the sources of motivation for the adjustments in their neutral policies. Thirdly, the Nordic decision-making model in both countries has weakened the possibility of political challenges that may arise from major policy adjustments. The consensus decision-making model in both countries allows for significant policy adjustments to be quickly agreed upon and passed.
起訖頁 55-101
關鍵詞 瑞典芬蘭中立關鍵時刻地緣政治北歐模式SwedenFinlandNeutralityCritical MomentsGeopoliticsNordic Model
刊名 問題與研究  
期數 202403 (63:1期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 解析霸權應對崛起強權策略──美中兩強在關鍵新興科技之權力競爭的理論啟示
該期刊-下一篇 霸權妥協:解析各國為何遵循數位服務稅多邊建制




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