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The Practice Form, Institutional Logic and Normalized Path of Administrative Procuratorial Suggestion
作者 門中敬高潔
Administrative procuratorial suggestion is an important way for procuratorial organs to exercise legal supervision. In our country, the practice of administrative procuratorial suggestions is diverse and plays a good role in restricting and supervising the administrative power in practice, but there are also some problems and potential impacts, such as unclear scope of application, weak compulsory binding force, and ''congenital deficiency'' of legal norms. From the perspective of institution generation, the emergence of administrative procuratorial suggestions is subject to exogenous institutional logic, which is driven by the needs and policies of social governance, and endogenous institutional logic, which is based on the theory of power restriction and supervision with Chinese characteristics, the nature of administrative procuratorial suggestions and the restriction of compulsory binding force. In order to maintain the unity of these two kinds of logics and solve the problems existing in practice, we should standardize the administrative procuratorial suggestions from the following aspects: In the overall view of the power restriction and supervision relationship, we should make clear the attribute positioning and scope of application of administrative procuratorial suggestions; We should promote the typification of administrative procuratorial suggestions, and determine different normalized standards according to different types; We should establish the exchange and consultation mechanism and linkage mechanism between procuratorial organs and administrative organs; We should strengthen the internal supervision of procuratorial organs, and effectively improving the quality and efficiency of administrative procuratorial suggestions.
起訖頁 139-156
關鍵詞 檢察監督法律監督行政檢察建議制度邏輯規範路徑procuratorial supervisionlegal supervisionadministrative procuratorial suggestionsinstitutioal logicnormalized path
刊名 法学杂志  
期數 202309 (342期)
出版單位 北京市法學會
該期刊-上一篇 企業信用監管制度研究
該期刊-下一篇 便利營商視野下的營商民事司法改革——以世界銀行營商環境新評估體系中的“解決商業糾紛”為視角




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