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Modernizing Government Governance in the Age of the Civil Code
作者 馬懷德
Modernization of government governance is a proposition of the times and a practical issue of the rule of law in Chinese administration, and the promulgation of the Civil Code has provided a new era of modernization of government governance and an important yardstick for the modernization of contemporary government governance. The relationship between government governance and the Civil Code is essentially a symptom of the relationship between administrative and civil law, and the modernization of government governance must conform to the internal law and historical trend of the deep integration of the two. Within the Civil Code, there are a large number of administrative law norms, which set administrative tasks, stipulate administrative duties, delimit administrative boundaries, and play an important administrative regulatory function. Administrative organs should take the effective implementation of the Civil Code as an important hand in promoting the construction of a government based on the rule of law and an opportunity of the times for the modernization of government governance. Specifically, the modernization of government governance system and governance capacity needs to make full use of the principles of equality, good faith, public order and morality, and the green principle, etc. stipulated in the Civil Code; it needs to be adept at invoking the legal person system, the property right system, and the contract system, etc. stipulated in the Civil Code; and it needs to strengthen the guarantee of the negative liberty-type rights and the positive social-type rights, etc. stipulated in the Civil Code.
起訖頁 3-16
關鍵詞 民法典政府治理現代化法治政府建設行政任務Civil Codemodernization of government governancerule of law government buildingadministrative tasks
刊名 现代法学  
期數 202311 (2023:6期)
出版單位 西南政法大學
該期刊-下一篇 論民事訴訟裁判的時機




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