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Discussion on Chinese Nationalism from “Snake House”
作者 吳賢愷
Snake House is the serial by Chu His-ning in 1962, which was published in the supplement of the Central Daily News. The protagonist was a crew of a civil defense group, besides his military missions, he aimed to civilize the people there. The brigade with other government officials entered the mountains area in Guangfu, Hualian. As a trainer of a civil defense group, the military mission was not the only responsibility of the protagonist, but also civilizing people. This serial depicted the imagination of people from Mainland China to the mountains in Taiwan and the Indigenous tribes living there. Where he stepped into was the unfamiliar homeland, it was not only a new territory he had never seen but also a part that could not be separated from the sovereignty. The land was a part of his mother country, the territory controlled by an alien race, and the former colony of the enemy country. The protagonist got involved in the conflict. On the one hand, he was just a nobody; on the other hand, he symbolized the power of his nation. He had a passion to restore and to glorify the Chinese nation, but he struggled with the fear of whether he became a colonist and suppressed the indigenous people. The story centered around the conflict between personal desire and national ideals, developing a discussion on Nationalism.
起訖頁 2-36
關鍵詞 朱西甯殖民原住民民族主義Chu His-ningColonialismIndigenous PeopleNationalism
刊名 中正台灣文學與文化研究  
期數 202212 (2期)
出版單位 國立中正大學台灣文學與創意應用研究所
該期刊-下一篇 慢死與快活:鄭俊清小說的工傷身體




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