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The Flipped Classroom and Its Concepts, Problems, and Perspectives
作者 黃政傑
近來科技進展和教育理念變遷,促成教學改革找到新方向。2007年柏格曼(Jonathan Bergmann)和山姆斯(Aaron Sams)兩位高中化學老師,為缺課學生錄製教學短片掛在網路上做為補救學習之用,一般學生卻也上網觀看加強學習,而產生所謂翻轉教室這個教學模式。這一波翻轉教室的教學模式主張教師講解和學生作業兩者翻轉,學生在家看教學短片,課堂上和同學一起做作業。翻轉教室調整教師講解和學生作業的時間,教師在課堂上有時間對學生進行一對一的指導,增進學生學習的責任和彈性,讓課堂教學可以採取師生和同學之間共同學習的模式,學習高層次能力,有助於適性教學的落實,受到不少肯定。在國際翻轉教室潮流的影響下,國內教育界開始推動翻轉教室的改革。不過,翻轉教室的實施,仍有賴於調整教師中心的教學為學生中心教學,並改善教學方法。本文分析翻轉教室的意涵與發展、特色、推動理由、實施方法、可能問題,並討論教育工作者如何回應這股風潮,提出未來展望,做為改革的參考。
Recent advances in technology and in ideology have unlocked entirely new directions for education research and practice. The flipped classroom is at the center of this discussion. In 2007, two chemistry teachers of Woodland Park High School in Colorado, Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams, recorded the classroom teaching, and posted the video online to reteach lessons for absent students. Meanwhile, those non absent students also used the online video to review and reinforce classroom lessons. Later, the traditional teaching Method was profoundly reflected and a new teaching model, the flipped classroom, appeared. The flipped classroom employs asynchronous video lectures and practice problems as homework, and active, group-based problem solving activities, discussions, projects, or summary in the classroom, but the typical lecture and homework elements of a course are reversed. This article analyzes the meaning, development, methods, features, rationales, problems and perspectives of the flipped classroom. The flipped classroom allows teachers to spend more time with students one-on-one and to provide just-in-time intervention when students need it. However, the successful implementation of flipped classroom requires a transition from teacher-centered to student-centered orientation, and the employment of multiple and appropriate teaching methods.
起訖頁 161-186
關鍵詞 翻轉教室翻轉教學教學模式flipped classroomflipping modelteaching model
刊名 臺灣教育評論月刊  
期數 201412 (3:12期)
出版單位 臺灣教育評論學會
該期刊-上一篇 教學App了沒?推行與不行




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