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Inter-cultural communication and Japanese language education: Through the relationship with SDGs Goal 4 (Quality Education)
作者 張根壽
This paper introduces a case study on ''intercultural communication'' conducted at a Korean university from the perspective of SDGs Goal 4 ( Quality Education) , with the aim of achieving sustainable Japanese language education, and discusses its content and significance.
Intercultural communication is important in the sense that we acquire the necessary knowledge and culture as a global citizen in this global society and multicultural age. We also confirmed the importance of communication between students, especially cooperation with international students, in promoting cross-cultural exchange.
As a way to practice intercultural communication, it is desirable to strengthen PBL classes based on the ''project/problem-solving type''. In order to respond to the declining birthrate and globalization in East Asian countries such as South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan, it is necessary to have the ability to discover and solve problems independently and cooperatively. In order to do so, he advocated the need to incorporate the ideas of ''active learning'' and ''creative learning'' and switch to student-centered classes.
Finally, for sustainable Japanese language education, it is important not only to use Japanese to communicate, but also to think about what kind of problems we can solve and contribute to society by learning Japanese.
起訖頁 11-28
關鍵詞 異文化コミュニケーションSDG(持続可能な開発目標)日本語教育PBL基盤授業実践研究Intercultural communicationSDGs Sustainable Development GoalsJapanese educationPBL Problem based learningpractical research
刊名 中日文化論叢  
期數 202307 (39期)
出版單位 中國文化大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 日本語教育と日本研究の展望—SDGsの目標とダイバーシティを意識して一
該期刊-下一篇 荒木田麗女的初期作品與《榮花物語》之影響關係(The Relationship betweenArakida Reizyo's Early Pieces and Eiga Monogatari)




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