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An Analysis of Japan's Higher Education Policies for Regional Revitalization and Industrial Development
作者 楊思偉 (Szu-Wei Yang)李宜麟
This study aimed to explore higher education policies to promoting local and industrial development in Japan by literature review and document analysis. It introduced the procedure that higher education in Japan promoted local and industrial development at first. Then, it discussed the related projects and supporting measures from four aspects, such as“Universities as Centers of Community to Promoting Regional Revitalization”.“Promoting Industrial Development through Higher education”,“Improving university education to fostering talent”, and“Supporting measures”. Finally, conclusions were as follows: 1. The planning and implementation of promoting local and industrial development in higher education in Japan were led by the MEXT through various programs and support measures implemented. It gradually established the mechanism of sustainable regional revitalization in higher education institutions. 2. The planning and implementation of promoting local and industrial development in higher education in Japan later focused on ''improving higher education institution education plans'' and ''industry-academia-government collaboration hubs/regional cooperation platforms.'' 3. The improvement of higher education in Japan involved the development of an integrated talent cultivation system that addressed local issues and industry needs, including developing education indicators and curricula, as well as incorporating practical-oriented courses and corporate training. 4. Supporting measures simultaneously were initiated to promote resource sharing among regional platform collaboration networks.
起訖頁 61-96
關鍵詞 日本高等教育機構振興地區產業發展Japanhigher education institutionregional revitalizationindustrial development
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202401 (5:1期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 大學教學改革的政策面與實踐面剖析
該期刊-下一篇 從五十年來的高教論述體察我國大學自主思考功能




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