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A Dream Builder of Academic Research on Education in Taiwan: Professor Sheng-Chuan Lin’s Academic Thinking and Practice
作者 何俊青吳和堂 (Ho-Tang Wu)呂錘卿 (Chui-Ching Lu)黃文三 (Wen-San Huang)
Professor Sheng-Chuan Lin is a typical Normal school alumnus. Prof. Lin graduated from Tainan Normal School and National Taiwan Normal University and received Ph. D. from University of Wisconsin in 1986. Professor Sheng-Chuan Lin served as elementary and junior high school teacher and taught at National Kaohsiung Normal University for many years. He is committed to taking root in the basic disciplines of education and has cultivated countless talents. He specialized in sociology of education and innovative instruction, and he is highly admired in the academic community. He once served as the chairman of the Department of Education and the dean of the College of Education and made outstanding administrative contributions. The most respectable aspect of Professor Sheng-Chuan Lin is that he has been devoted to conducting empirical research on educational issues for decades as one day. He has published nearly 100 important papers and twice won the National Science Council“Outstanding Research Award.”In 2003, he won the Wu San Foundation Awards in Humanities and Social Sciences. His academic achievements are extraordinary and outstanding. In 2024, the Institute of Taiwan Education Studies will award Professor Sheng-Chuan Lin the“Education Lifetime Achievement Award”in recognition of Professor Sheng-Chuan Lin’s significant contributions to the academic community of education and the promotion of educations reform.
起訖頁 15-38
關鍵詞 臺灣教育創新教學教育社會學教育改革education in Taiwaninnovative instructionsociology of educationeducational reform
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202401 (5:1期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 引領台灣教育心理學研究人師典範:林清山教授的學術貢獻與事誼
該期刊-下一篇 大學教學改革的政策面與實踐面剖析




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