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Learning Effects on Sports Competency and Understanding of Competitive Rules by Students in Volleyball Course
作者 劉兆達陳欣茹
本研究目的係應用運動教育模式於排球課程,探討不同性別學生運動能力及運動競賽規則之學習成效,研究對象為108學年度第二學期修習排球課程學生共52位,採單組前後測設計與文件分析之研究方法,研究結果指出:(一)運動能力方面,男性學生之排球對空低手擊球後測表現優於前測表現(t = -2.07,p < .05),而女性學生之前、後測表現未達顯著差異(t = -1.48,p > .05),但在次數上有小幅度的提升;(二)運動競賽規則方面,男性學生及女性學生之後測表現優於前測表現(t = -8.55、t = -9.95,p < .05)。結論:運動教育模式應用於排球課程,可提升男性學生對空低手擊球之運動能力,以及男、女性學生運動競賽規則之學習成效。
This study aimed to understand the impact of learning on students’sports competency and understanding of competitive rules in a volleyball course. The participants included 52 university students in a volleyball course. The research employed a one-group pre-test-post-test design along with document analysis. The key findings are as follows: (a) In the post-test, the scores for male students in lower-hand passing significantly improved compared to the pre-test (t = -2.07, p < .05). However, there was no significant difference in the scores for female students in lower-hand passing between the post-test and pre-test (t = -1.48, p > .05). (b) Both male and female students showed significantly higher scores in competitive rules testing in the post-test compared to the pre-test (t = -8.55, t = -9.95, p < .05). In conclusion, the sports education model was used in a volleyball course to improve male students’sports competency in lower-hand passing and to enhance male and female students’learning of competition rules in volleyball. It was advised that the volleyball course could use soft volleyball or air volleyball to improve the learning effects of female students on lower-hand passing.
起訖頁 31-55
關鍵詞 動機排球規則運動課程模式體育motivationvolleyball rulessportcurriculum modelphysical education
刊名 大學教學實務與研究學刊  
期數 202312 (7:2期)
出版單位 國立清華大學
該期刊-上一篇 專題導向學習方法結合實務情境以培養機械工程基礎知識
該期刊-下一篇 高教工程大學部學生批判思考傾向與能力之精進:以電機系大學部課程為例




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