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The Integration of Project-Based Learning and Actual Issues on Education of Fundamental Mechanical Engineering
作者 陳玉彬陳彥翔楊文豪曾華冠簡致誠侯品誠張今瀚李云真
This paper outlines the teaching philosophy, characteristics, implementation, results, and feedback of a topic“Machine, Mechatronics, and Smart Machinery.”The topic was designed for first-year students and was an integral part of the compulsory course, Introduction to Engineering, jointly offered by five departments of the College of Engineering. One objective of this course was to introduce basic knowledge of mechanics, mechanical principles, tools, industry development, and future career prospects. Another objective was to help students develop engineering intuition and self-learning capabilities. Specifically, students were expected to acquire skills in exploration, hands-on experience, collaboration, communication, and problem-solving. To achieve these objectives, the instructor of this course employed hybrid learning methods. Teaching aids, such as animations, videos, audio, and online resources were utilized. Additionally, the concept of project-based learning was embraced, leading to the creation of two thematic projects: Treasure Salvage and Treasure Mining. Students were guided to complete thematic projects through teamwork and self-learning. The projects received highly positive feedback from students after the end of the semester. Most students believed thematic projects helped them apply the knowledge they learned, establish positive attitudes, and enlighten flexible engineering thinking. This feedback demonstrates that the teaching philosophy of this topic was successfully realized. Moreover, the teaching assistants benefited from thematic projects. They learned many skills beyond their engineering expertise. Students, teaching assistants, and instructors thoroughly enjoyed the experience throughout this course.
起訖頁 1-29
關鍵詞 專題導向學習法混合式學習法團隊合作學習法實務問題機械原理project-based learninghybrid learningteam-based learningpractical problemsmechanical principles
刊名 大學教學實務與研究學刊  
期數 202312 (7:2期)
出版單位 國立清華大學
該期刊-下一篇 排球課學生運動能力及運動競賽規則之學習成效




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