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Re-examining: Wen Zhang Zheng Zong of Song Edition
作者 張峻源
“Wen Zhang Zheng Zong”(文章正宗), an anthology, is one of the important literature on stylistics, article study, and textual criticism in the Southern Song Dynasty. It is a central but rare literature of bibliography that has been passed down to this day through various editions of Song Dynasty (Song editions) or re-carving-based Song editions. Due to its significance, there have been some studies related to this literature with focus on Song edition. However, the existing studies are limited as some problems are identified in the libraries’authentications of collections. This research uses nine books of Wen Zhang Zheng Zong as material that are likely to be Song edition, and categorizes them into two systems. Those nine works are considered to carry the characteristics of Song edition according to their libraries, museums and this study. To explore the rare book among them, this research re-examines the two systems and analyses re-carving and reprinting across different eras in both systems. By carrying out preliminary proofreading and cross-checking of the books between the systems, this study attempts to analyse the pros and cons of the books and scenarios they can apply to.
起訖頁 111-152
關鍵詞 《文章正宗》真德秀宋刊本覆宋本選集Wen Zhang Zheng ZongZhen De XiuSong Dynasty editionsFan Ke(the re-carved edition)Rare booksAnthology
刊名 國文學報  
期數 202312 (74期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 陳師道《後山詩話》的文體觀研究
該期刊-下一篇 宋代道經《女青天律》的文本與歷史問題初探




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