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Exploring Zheng Xuan’s Commentary on“In archery Piercing the Leather Target Is Not the Point”in The Analects
作者 許子濱
The annotation of“In archery piercing the leather target is not the point”by Zheng Xuan, as found in the Tang manuscript of“The Analects with Zheng Xuan’s Commentary”, is well-preserved. This preservation offers insights into Zheng Xuan's approach to interpreting The Analects and the effectiveness of these strategies. To fully comprehend Zheng Xuan’s ritual theory, it is crucial to adopt the methodologies of“using Zheng to return to Zheng”and“using Zheng's commentary to prove Zheng’s commentary”. The shortcomings of the three current editions of the Tang manuscript in terms of restoring and interpreting the commentary are highlighted in this passage. The objective of this article is to explore Zheng’s commentary strategies, their effectiveness, and the meaning of“In archery piercing the leather target is not the point”in The Analects, drawing on the interpretations of scholars from the Tang and Song Dynasties, particularly Seng Zhao.
起訖頁 1-36
關鍵詞 鄭玄《論語》禮射射不主皮僧肇Zheng XuanThe AnalectsArcheryLeather targetSeng Zhao
刊名 國文學報  
期數 202312 (74期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學國文學系
該期刊-下一篇 莊嚴的遊戲:〈毛穎傳〉人物形象與史傳敘事結構析論




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