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Looking at the Friendship between Wang Niansun, His Son and Duan Yucai from Citations of Academic Articles
作者 魏慈德
This article intends to study the friendship between Wang Niansun his son Yinzhi and Duan Yucai from the perspective of scholars citing each other's academic opinions. Duan Yucai and Wang Niansun were both students of Dai Zhen, and they first met when Duan was 55 years old and Wang was 46 years old. When they met for the first time, Wang not only showed him the manuscript of ''Guang ya shu zheng '' that he was writing, but also presented him with the manuscript of his study of ''Shuowen''. After that, the two communicated with each other and were familiar with each other's academic opinions. In mind, this can be known from many quotations from ''Guangya shuzheng'' and '' Dushuzazhi''. However, after Duan's ''Shuowenjiezizhu'' was written, there were only eight cases in which Wang Niansun's opinions were cited in the book, and the fact that Wang had donated the manuscript of ''Shuowen'' was not written down, resulting in ''Shuowenjiezizhu'' was said to be plagiarized at that time. This seems to explain why Wang Yinzhi often made negative comments when citing Duan Yucai's opinions in ''Jingyishuwen''. This article will first Wang Yinzhi's ''Jingyishuwen'' citations of Duan commentators to speculate on the reasons for Wang Yinzhi's strict criticism of Duan opinions in Wang Niansun's articles, and then analyze those who quoted Wang Niansun's opinions in Duan Yucai's articles , and finally compare the previous two to see whether they have negative evaluations. It also explores the reasons for the gap in academic evaluation of Duan Yucai between Wang Niansun and his son, in an attempt to explain a period of academic history.
起訖頁 107-151
關鍵詞 王念孫王引之段玉裁說文解字注經義述聞Wang NiansunWang YinzhiDuan Yucaishuowenjiezizhujingyishuwen
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 202312 (44期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系
該期刊-上一篇 世情或豔情之辨──從《金瓶梅》與《肉蒲團》性描寫的比較出發
該期刊-下一篇 清代臺灣科舉賦兼用八股文作法的考察──以「比體題」為例




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