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A Supplement to“Lu Jiuci Asks Chen Qi about Numbers”on the Qin Bamboo Slips Collected by Peking University: Accompanied by a Discussion of Two Views on“Numbers”in Ancient China
作者 邴尚白
“Lu Jiuci Asks Chen Qi about Numbers”is one of the mathematical documents from the Qin Bamboo slips collected by Peking University. The text uses a question-and-answer format to explain how mathematics is learned as well as describe its origins, functions, and importance. This is a rare and diverse text that is of great value to the study of ancient Chinese mathematical thought, mathematical methods, mathematical history and theory, as well as diseases, medicine, divination, tones, cosmic models, and architectural engineering. This article is divided into three sections, which correspond to the three questions and answers found in“Lu Jiuci Asks Chen Qi about Numbers.”The aim of the article is to analyze and interpret the words and phrases in the text that have yet to be thoroughly studied as well as to identify issues related to early Chinese thought. At the end of the article, we discuss two types of views on“numbers”in ancient China, as well as issues related to the Qin dynasty’s book burning. The content of“Lu Jiuci Asks Chen Qi about Numbers”involves the debate between literature and science. Reading this text, in light of the past and the present, sheds light on ancient Chinese thinking about the boundary between science and superstition.
起訖頁 5-53
關鍵詞 北大秦簡魯久次問數於陳起數學簡文釋讀秦焚書the Qin bamboo slips collected by Peking University“Lu Jiuci Asks Chen Qi about Numbers,”numbersmathematicsthe interpretation of bamboo scriptsthe Qin dynasty’s book burning
刊名 清華中文學報  
期數 202312 (30期)
出版單位 國立清華大學中國文學系
該期刊-下一篇 從體證到舉業――陳琛《四書淺說》經典詮釋考察




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