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Do Infants in Ethnic Chinese and Western Societies React Differently to Unfamiliar Situations? An Investigation into and Classification of Four-month-old Infants’Responses to Unfamiliar Auditory and Visual Stimuli
作者 王珮玲 (Pei-Ling Wang)
本研究主要目的是探究四個月嬰兒在面對陌生聽覺和視覺的刺激下,其肢體動作和情感反應,再依其反應程度,以探究國人與西方嬰兒氣質類型比例的差異。在研究方法上,樣本計有244位四個月嬰兒,男嬰116位,女嬰128位,獲家長同意後,至家中進行實驗。過程中,在嬰兒面前呈現陌生聽覺和視覺刺激各兩次,並分析其肢體動作和情感反應。結果發現,在實驗中,嬰兒的肢體動作和負向情感會隨次數和時間提升,其中嬰兒對於第3次無意義音節的刺激,吵鬧反應特別劇烈,女嬰高於男嬰。再依其反應分類,國人與西方的低反應嬰兒人數最多,至於預測未來可能發展為行爲抑制(Behavioral Inhibition, BI)的高反應嬰兒比例上,國人低於西方嬰兒。整體而言,與西方相較,國內嬰兒的肢體動作和情感反應是較西方嬰兒低,此差異回應過去的研究,依此結果,提出相關建議。
This study explores the bodily movements and emotional responses of 4-month-old infants to unfamiliar auditory and visual stimuli and classifies the observed reactions. In addition, the difference between the reactions of infants from Taiwan and Western countries was examined to investigate the differences in temperament types between the two groups. A total of 244 infants (116 boys and 128 girls) participated in this experiment at their homes after receiving parental consent. During the experiment, each unfamiliar auditory or visual stimulus was presented in front of the infant twice to analyze their bodily movements and emotional responses. The results revealed that the frequency of bodily movements and negative emotions in the infants increased along with the increased frequency and duration of exposure to the stimulus. Furthermore, the infants became particularly disturbed after experiencing the third stimulus, which was a meaningless syllable, and more girls demonstrated a disturbed reaction to the said stimulus than boys. Classification of the infants based on their reactions indicated that most infants in both Taiwan and Western countries belonged to the low-reaction category, and the ratio of infants predicted to develop a behavioral inhibition temperament was higher in those from Western countries than from Taiwan. Overall, infants in Taiwan were observed to demonstrate less bodily movements and emotional responses than those from Western countries, which is consistent with previous research. Finally, we propose relevant suggestions in accordance with the study results.
起訖頁 91-111
關鍵詞 嬰兒氣質聽覺刺激視覺刺激infantstemperamentauditory stimulivisual stimuli
刊名 人類發展與家庭學報  
期數 202312 (24期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學人類發展與家庭學系
該期刊-上一篇 影響兩歲前嬰幼兒認知成長趨勢的早期家庭環境因素:以潛在成長模式初探
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