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The Constraining Effect of Expensing Employee Bonus on R&D Expenditures and Its Impact on R&D Efficiency
作者 王泰昌陳以林
This study investigates the potential impact of the measurement of fair-value employee stock bonuses (ESBs) after the ESB reduction from the implementation of the new regulations that mandated expensing employee bonuses (EBs). In addition, we examine the constraining effect of employee cash bonuses (ECBs) on R&D expenditures following the ESB reduction. By evaluating a sample of firms in Taiwan from 2002 to 2012, the empirical evidence shows that: (1) the potential impact of the measurement of fair-value ESB is positively related to ESB reduction around the time of the implementation of the mandated expensing EB regulations, and (2) following the ESB reduction, the propensity to replace ECB with ESB to save on cash is positively related to the incremental constraining effect of ECBs on R&D expenditures, in addition to ECBs, wages and employee stock options. Furthermore, the incremental constraining effect of ECBs on R&D expenditures was stronger for firms under higher cash constraints. Consistent with the free-cash-flow hypothesis, the R&D efficiency incrementally increased around the implementation period. These findings provide a different explanation of the traditional view of the role of share-based payments in encouraging R&D expenditures.
起訖頁 383-416
關鍵詞 員工分紅費用化研發支出限制效應股份基礎薪酬expensing employee bonusR&D expendituresconstraining effectshare-based payment
刊名 管理學報  
期數 202312 (40:4期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國管理科學學會
該期刊-上一篇 舞弊三角形理論運用在運動產業:以球員涉入假球案為例
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