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A Boy's Perspectives on Domestic Violence and the Change in Behavioral Problems Following Play Therapy
This case study explores the perspectives of a 12-year-old boy client on domestic violence after witnessing his father beating his mother, and the change in Behavioral problems after play therapy. The client received 14 sessions of play therapy that were videotaped and transcribed. Qualitative data were analysed based on the research template, including perspectives on the self, the family, and domestic violence. Quantitative data were collected using the Chinese edition of the Self-Concept Scale of Elementary School Children and Achenbach's child behaviour checklist at pre-therapy and post-therapy, to evaluate the curative effects of play therapy. The following results included: 1. a positive client self-concept; 2. the client was concerned that his mother made most of his decisions for him; 3. the client expressed ambivalent feelings towards his father; 4. sibling rivalry was another concern requiring management for the client; 5. the client assumed self-blame for the domestic violence and did not express sympathy for his mother or blame for his father; 6. the client's behavioural problems decreased following play therapy.
起訖頁 113-138
關鍵詞 目睹家庭暴力兒童遊戲治療家庭暴力認知行為問題child witnessed domestic violenceplay therapyperspectives on domestic violencebehavioural problems
刊名 台灣遊戲治療學報  
期數 201312 (3期)
出版單位 台灣遊戲治療學會
該期刊-上一篇 親子遊戲治療對婚暴目睹兒童及其受暴母親親子互動行為處遇成效之分析研究




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