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The Concept and Implementation of Self-directed Learning in Universities: Taking Course Enrollment as an Example
作者 邱秀香
In recent years, in response to the informatization of the Internet, knowledge transmission and learning methods have undergone drastic changes, and traditional university education is facing great challenges. This situation has prompted the academia to start thinking about the future of education, so that students can learn the ability to allow them to face a pluralistic and floating society. The student-centered self-learning and flexible academic system are put forward in this context. Both of them have very diverse and innovative approaches in practical application. The Self-directed Learning program is the starting point of this research from the theory of self-learning, using literature analysis and Focus Group Interviews to carry out the analysis the program promoted by each school to understand the spirit and special features of each school in promoting the course enrollment, and then supplemented by a comparison and discussion of the program promoted by the Kaohsiung Campus of Shih Chien University. The results of this study show that liberal education courses are often used as the field for this program. Students' participation in self-learning depends on students' study load and league participation. Schools should establish a good system so that students can easily participate in order to obtain self-learning. Teachers can also have a more open and experimental attitude to make more possibilities happen.
起訖頁 45-60
關鍵詞 募課自主學習彈性學制通識教育self-directed learning programself-regulated learningflexible academic systemliberal education
刊名 實踐博雅學報  
期數 202307 (34期)
出版單位 實踐大學博雅學部
該期刊-上一篇 普度世間《觀音持驗記》、《觀音慈林集》慈憫感應事例析論
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣也有半澤直樹?銀行員視角下的金融、產業敘事




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