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Missing a Sector in a Circle: Commentary on Technology Curriculum for Elementary Schools
作者 陳孟君 (Meng-Chun Chen)湯維玲 (Tang, Wei-Ling)
The General Curriculum Guidelines of the 12-Year Basic Education issued by the Ministry of Education in 2014 was officially incorporated into the Domain of Technology in secondary education, but no technology curriculum for elementary schools. This article uses the ''Missing a Corner in a Circle'' as a metaphor to comment on the lack of information technology curriculum in the elementary school, and to explain the development process of ''information technology'' and the problems. The curriculum guidelines and curriculum manuals set by the Ministry of Education are the main analysis connotation. By discussing the integration of topics into “Information Technology Education” in elementary schools, and investigating “Information Technology for Technology Curriculum”, the researchers reflect from the observations and of relevant literature research. The researchers make some conclusions and suggestions in the following: 1). Find a multi-angle: a curriculum that integrates old and new curriculum guidelines, information technology and information technology education courses; 2). Find a supplementary corner: laying the foundation and developing a comprehensive curriculum of information technology education; 3). Leave a missing corner: continue to lack the MOE-mandated curriculum, the domain of technology, leaving the curriculum decision to school teachers.
起訖頁 196-206
關鍵詞 十二年國民基本教育課程科技領域資訊科技資訊教育國小教育12-Year Basic Education CurriculaTechnology CurriculumInformation TechnologyInformation Technology EducationElementary Education
刊名 臺灣教育評論月刊  
期數 202004 (9:4期)
出版單位 臺灣教育評論學會
該期刊-上一篇 私立高級中等學校形象管理指標建構




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