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Priority ranking, academic performance and furture willingness of social work students——A comparison of school types and enrollment channels
作者 曾煥裕張國慶林大森
This research focuses on the decision making processes of choosing social work as students' career using quantitative analysis. Three different subjects were compared by school types and enrollment channels: first, the ''priority ranking'' of choosing social work while taking the college entrance examination; second, the self-evaluation of ''academic performance'' after admitting into social work department; third, the ''willingness to engage in social work'' after graduation. The data comes from the research project of ''Social Work Students’Professional Identity and Career Commitment - Comparisons of four types of universities.'' The sample size is 860. Four findings were discussed. First, before entering the university, as many as 60% of the students selected social work as the first priority, and 70% of the students evaluate their study attitude as ''hard working''. Second, after graduation, 76% of them are willing to commit their careers in social work, and most of them devoted themselves to the fields of ''children, adolescent, women, and family.'' Third, compared with the other three types of schools, the public university students' priority ranking of social work is lower in college entrance examination, and their willingness to engage in social work after graduation is also low. Fourth, compared with other enrollment channels, those who were recommended by their high schools and those who were enrolled by the individual application have a higher loyalty and professional identity toward the social work department.
起訖頁 45-89
關鍵詞 社會工作志願排序從事社工意願多元入學管道social workpriority rankingwillingness to engage in social workmultiple enrollment channels
刊名 社會與區域發展學報  
期數 202212 (7:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學社會與區域發展學系
該期刊-上一篇 旅遊體驗活動對遊客價值與忠誠度之影響:以無尾港水鳥保護地區為例
該期刊-下一篇 十二年國教實施與升學迷思?臺北市明星國中學區房價之實證




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