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教育理論與實踐學刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A Research on Industrial Technology Education at the Elementary and Secondary Schools in Malaysia
作者 黃嘉勝魏炎順高文民
本研究旨在探討馬來西亞中小學工藝╱科技教育之現況及發展。研究程序係先文獻分析馬來西亞工藝╱科技教育的演進、現況、結構、發展模式、配合措施、形成的問題與未來發展趨勢等問題;再透過實地訪問馬來西亞教育部及課程發展中心(CDC)。本研究果發現:(1)馬來西亞的學制及教育系統,經歷多次改革,目前讓學生修習的學校及課程,在高中以上階段呈現多元化的特色,例如第六級中等教育課程(Sixth Forms)、大學先修班(Marticulation Programs)、多元技術學院(Polytechnics)、技術大學等 。(2)馬來西亞中小學工藝╱科技教育課程名稱為「生活技能」(Living Skills)。該課程自國小四年級起開始實施,直至大學階段亦有培育「生活技能」科目之專業師資課程。(3)馬來西亞國小階段「生活與技能」課程為每週二節計六十分鐘;國中階段則為每周二節計八十分鐘,而高中階段則在選修課程中提供職業與技術群集課程供選讀,每位學生至少須選讀每週三至四節課,計一百二十分至一百六十分鐘。(4)馬來西亞各階段「生活技能」課程之評鑑方式包括筆試及實作之正式評鑑;另有觀察及個別面試等非正式評鑑。(5)馬來西亞自 1995年起各階段之「生活技能」課程增加「發明製作」(Invention)項目 ,以激發學生創作思考能力,並因應馬國政經發展計畫。(6)馬國的生活技能課程的訂定,是由上而下發展,經由首相指示、內閣行政、或課程發展中心(CDC)建議提出該課程的需要性,而後再經由多位專家學者和課程發展中心,擬出可行的課程實施內容,報經教育部核定後實施,且全國只有一種教科書版本。(7)馬國的生活技能課程師資,主要由教師訓練學院(Teacher Training Colleges)及大學有關科系來培養。任課教師須持有教師證書方可任教;教師證書可分為短期證書(certificate)、文憑(diploma)、及學位證書(degree)等三類。(8)馬國的生活技能課程普遍較不受重視;教學時數過少,經費不足,設備老舊等都是當今面臨的問題。(9)馬國的生活技能課程目標及內容仍會繼續推陳出新,隨時代需要及經濟發展因素,扮演培育國內技術人力的重要角色。
The purpose of the research is to understand the development and the status of the industrial arts╱technology education at the elementary and middle school levels in Malaysia. Literature review and field trip to Malaysia are undertaken to proceed the research. Literature review is focused on the analysis of Malaysian industrial arts╱technology education, including its history, status, structure, mode, affiliated resources, problems, and trend. The field trip to Ministry of Education, Malaysia and their Curriculum Development Center(CDC)serves as the purposes of understanding the problems and future trend of the industrial arts╱technology education. The major findings are 1there are multiple educational programs in their post high school level. They are Sixth Forms, Matriculation Programs, Polytechnics, technology colleges. (2) The course name of the industrial arts╱technology at the elementary school level is Living Skills. It begins at the fourth grade at the elementary school level. The course continues up to the college level. At the college level, the purpose of the course at least three or four sessions for a week. (4)The evaluation of industrial arts╱technology is taken by means of formal and informal assessment. The formal assessment includes pencil─and─paper test and operations, while the informal one is by observation and interview. (5)The topic of invention is added to the course content of Living skills since 1995. (6)The mode of the development of industrial arts╱technology education of Malaysia is top─down The prime minister initiates the program and the Cabinet, CDC, and many scholars propose the project or plan, then the Ministry of Education, Malaysia executes the project. (7)The living skill teachers of Malaysia come from teacher training colleges and relative universities. There are three types of certificate regarding living skill courses such as(i)short term certificate, (ii)diploma, and (iii)degree. (8)There are several problems of industrial arts╱technology education in Malaysia such as (i)short of teaching hours, (ii)lack of funding, and (iii d)outdate equipment etc. (9)The objectives and curriculum contents of living skill will be changed by economic factors and technological progress.
起訖頁 81-115
刊名 教育理論與實踐學刊  
期數 199812 (6期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 訊息處理模式向的學習研究對教學的啟示




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