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從Phenix 的課程理論評析我國國民小學自然科學之新課程
A Curriculum Evaluation on the New Primary School Science for Taiwan in Transition
作者 蘇育任
本文主旨在設法從社會學、心理學與哲學的觀點,提出研究者個人對臺灣自然科學課程改革之省思並予以綜合歸納。唯探討課程改革,牽渉因素十分繁複,必須運用一個聯貫且整全之課程理論實施課程評鑑,方有助於撰寫論文,進一歩溝通相關知識。Phenix首倡之哲學理論,經Yager與Hofstein考量科學事業的各種特徵,戮力加以改進之後,今已衍化成科學課程理論之嶄新見解;本文即據之評量臺灣此次新課程的改革。過去這十多年來,臺灣在政治、經濟、社會以及文化各方面,均遭遇到前所未有之重大變化。為因應這些急遽的改變並滿足整體社會需求,社會大眾群起投注心力改革教育,促使科學教育全面進行檢討與革新。尤有進者,一項由「國際教育進與評鑑會」主辦之最新報告指,臺灣學生對於所教過之數理科常規的歷程表現良好,卻拙於將所學知識應用在日常生活中。導致目前社會上有許多壓力,要求公民應能妥善使用科學知識。職是之故,我國中小學自然科課程乃依據下列因素,重新加以規劃設計:(一) 我國科學教育之政策;(二) 當前社會狀況與文化背景;(三) 科學哲學之最新見解,亦即自然科學的本質與概念系統;\r(四) 當代心理學與科學社會學的理論;以及\r(五) 學生個人的能力、興趣和需求。本文根據Phenix之課程理論,針對我國國小自然科學的理念、指導原則、設計過程與整個教制度,一一加以反省,最後並提出個人的建議,以供相關單位參考。\r※ 『一九九五年國際史哲暨科學教育聯合學會第三屆國際學術研討會』於中華民國八十四年十月二十七日至十一月三日假美國明尼蘇達州首府─明尼亞波利市的州立大學(University of Minnesota at Minneaplis & St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A.)舉行。本文係作者應邀在大會中宣讀發表後,特別根據最新科學課程理論,針對我國國民小學之自然科學課程,進行全面性的評析與檢討。中華民國教育部國際文教處,全額補助本人出該項國際會議,謹在此敬致由衷忱!
In this study the new view of curriculum in science originally conceived by Phenix, which considers many dimensions of science education, has been used to evaluate the curricular reform of elementary school science for Taiwan in transition. This article started in the first section to reflect the whole curricular reform process by critical reexaminations from societal, psychological and philosophical aspects.In the second section, to assist in the formalization and communication of the relevant knowledge of curriculum reform, the classification system(or the theory of curriculum)advanced by Phenix was used to related the scheme to the new directions suggested in this curricular reform in Taiwan.It was further explored in the third section to find that, directed by the modernization, humanization, local relevance and internationalization, new curriculum was made much breakthrough and displayed an entirely new style in its goals, contents and methods.Finally, the researcher tried to evaluate the new school science in accordance with Phenix’s curriculum theory. My personal reflections and suggestions on the new curriculum were described in the final part of this investigation. In summary, it was maintained that a total curriculum is not just a text, not just activities, it is only when practical teaching has resulted in more ideal learning outcomes that this new curriculum can be deemed to be really successfully implemented.
起訖頁 61-80
刊名 教育理論與實踐學刊  
期數 199606 (4期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 教師在課程實中所扮演的角色
該期刊-下一篇 邁向二十一世紀的組織發展策略




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