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A Comparison Study of Superficial meaning and Substantial meaning of Place names in Bali District, New Taipei City
作者 翁淑娟韋煙灶
The characteristics of Bali District in New Taipei City include earlier development, diverse topography, and numerous place names coupled with various types. Because the traditional rural landscape had been well preserved by the late 1980s, the traditional place names are kept relatively intact. Bali District, therefore, is the ideal location to conduct a place names investigation and was thus chosen as our research region. To fully interpret the deep connotations in place names, all of their writing shapes, pronunciation, and semantics have to be taken into account. There are several writing shape, pronunciation, and semantics mismatches found in our previous general survey of the Bali District traditional place names. Thus, in this article, we compared the writing shape, pronunciation, and semantics in place names with their corresponding written text. We also performed a statistical analysis to examine the difference between“phonetic place name”and“writing place name”in the study area, and re-confirmed the semantics of some place-name nouns. Moreover, a critical perspective was adopted during the research to reflect upon the study of place names in Taiwan. The main findings of this study were as follows: firstly, the inconsistency between“phonetic place name”and“writing place name”in Bali District is mainly caused by place names Hohlo homophonic, semantic gloss, and misuse. Secondly, most homophonic place name errors made in the literature and maps take forms of similar phonetic names and glyphs. Thirdly, within the category of semantic gloss place names, the instances where place names are associated with ''腳'' and the utilization of Mandarin words are the most prevalent. Fourthly, place nouns with misused characters only appearing in literature are likely caused by the writers’unfamiliarity with Hohlo characters. Fifthly, for a more precise restoration of the landscape at that time, the content of place-name nouns should align with the primary meaning of the word. This article presents a research perspective on the issue of standardization of place names in Taiwan.
起訖頁 131-160
關鍵詞 地名標準化音名字名字面義實質義八里區standardization of place namephonetic place namewriting place namesuperficial meaningsubstantial meaningBali District
刊名 地理研究  
期數 202311 (78期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
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