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Let’s play on the street! Examining the tactics of spatial development in contemporary cities by the TWPfC’s street play events
作者 王竣鴻盧沛文 (Pei-Wen Lu)
本文以「戰略性都市主義(tactical urbanism)」為取徑,透過半結構式訪談與參與式觀察,梳理特公盟街道遊戲活動,特別是透過從戰略(tactics)到行動(actions),在都市空間發展上所展現的成果(achievements)。研究結果顯示,街道遊戲是特公盟「具有戰略性的倡議行動」。特公盟關注的核心既不是街道該怎麼用來遊戲,也不是該在哪裡辦活動,而是善用城市生活中對街道的依賴,以街道為主場,透過臨時性的佔用表達對兒童城市賦權的追求。這種以倡議為核心的公民參與戰策,不僅建立了保有各種可能性的公私協力樣貌,也透過政治議題化下的民意推動街道遊戲在空間規範的確立,跳脫了既有在地與非在地,民眾與政府間刻板且對立的理解,創造了更多對話與協作的可能。
This study examined the way in which tactical urbanism was addressed in framing spatial development from tactics to actions and achievements. It focused on the street play events of Taiwan Parks & Playgrounds for Children by Children (TWPfC) in and around Taipei City, with participatory observation and semi-structural interviews over a three-year period. Our collected data indicated that these street play events, representing actions of public participation, formed the streams of public advocacy. What the TWPfC guarded was neither how nor where to play - but to empower the children’s right of playing in the cities. The awareness of its advocacy was raised by having these temporary street occupations. Politicians were willing to support and take claim for their cares of the public desires. All of these factors caused the development of a more institutionalised form of street play events. The advocacy-led tactical approach also resulted in a broader way of coalitions. It converted enough room for collaboration among a wide set of actors. An innovative form of public-private partnerships could therefore be achieved.
起訖頁 111-130
關鍵詞 兒童街道遊戲特公盟戰略性都市主義公私協力民眾參與Children’s street play eventsThe TWPfCTactical urbanismPublic-private partnershipsPublic participation
刊名 地理研究  
期數 202311 (78期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣地區日溫度網格化資料庫之建置和長期變化趨勢分析
該期刊-下一篇 新北市八里區地名之字面義與實質義的比較




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