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Public-Sector Social Enterprise: Analysis of Nonprofit Preschools in Taiwan
作者 官有垣王兆慶杜承嶸
社會企業文獻中,近年來出現「具有公部門特質的社會企業」(Public-Sector Social Enterprise,簡稱PSE)的相關研究。就PSE而言,十分強調是由政府主導推動的社會企業組織。以歐洲為例,這是為了公共服務提供的「外部化」(externalization),或是以「準市場」(quasimarket)的框架提供社會服務。若將臺灣非營利幼兒園與歐洲學者所提出來的「具有公部門運作特質的社會企業模式」(PSE)的內涵相比較,有頗多相似的特徵,但也有其差異性。無論是在理論或實踐上,臺灣似乎出現了一個所謂歐陸的PSE之另一特定「模式」─「臺灣模式的PSE」。本研究欲詮釋非營利幼兒園作為「臺灣模式的PSE」的潛在意義,以及臺灣PSE實踐的組織特質與特殊性(uniqueness)。臺灣非營利幼兒園的出現,揭示的不只是臺灣也存在PSE這類型的社會企業,也彰顯了臺灣作為東亞福利國家針對婦女、幼兒照顧政策的「新」社會投資的一種動態發展。
Nonprofit preschools have become a prominent presence in Taiwan’s early childhood care and education sector. Taiwan’s Ministry of Education has designated NT$8 billion (US$268.8 million) for a 4-year plan to establish 300 nonprofit preschools and enroll 30,000 additional preschoolers nationwide. Implementing the nonprofit organization (NPO) preschool policy requires extensive collaboration between NPOs and government agencies. Both the land and equipment for NPO preschools are provided free of charge by the government, which bears 30% of the annual operation cost. A literature on public-sector social enterprises (PSEs) has emerged in Europe.
Various public sectors have established PSEs due to the benefits of externalizing public social services and provisioning services in the quasimarket framework. Taiwanese nonprofit preschools are not public preschools in the conventional sense but rather a form of PSE. This study assesses why NPO preschools in Taiwan have emerged with a PSE model to further enrich the study of PSE development in the context of welfare systems in East Asia.
起訖頁 69-105
關鍵詞 非營利幼兒園具有公部門特質的社會企業公共化新社會投資NPO PreschoolPublic-Sector Social Enterprise (PSE)PublicizationNew Social Investment
刊名 台灣社會福利學刊  
期數 202306 (19:1期)
出版單位 台灣社會福利學會
該期刊-上一篇 受助後的充權人生?已進入職場之家扶青年及其家庭受扶經驗之檢視
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣社會企業的歷史路徑與制度脈絡




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